HAPPY THANKSGIVING! post #3- My friends

⤖Swimming with crazies
Around 3 years ago, I moved to a new swim team after my old team fell apart. When I moved there and started swimming and transitioning into a new team, I started to meet people that I see almost everyday and I have such a close relationship with them. We have crazy stories and such fond memories together. 💗

Other than that, I am so thankful for you guys, you know who you are, and I wish you a happy holidays. 🎄
⤖Studying with the greatest
When I was in school a couple of years ago, I had a lot of trouble making friends. I was very anxious to talking people and I always thought of scenarios in my head of what would people would say or do that would scare me. The affect of that is me being lonely, unsurprisingly, that was a year that I read a lot of books. But as I became more comfortable, I began to become close with some pretty awesome people.
Like as the swimming one, I am not going to list out people and leave out others, let me just say that you know who you are and I am so thankful for you guys, you helped make my school days better and I have had so many laughs with you. From laughing about stupid things people say, and screaming about assignments and tests, I am so happy that I got to experience it with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being crazy with me.
In conclusion, I concluded (haha inside joke), be thankful for your friends people. The people that stick with you are people that appreciate you and are loyal to you, keep them close. And if you have trouble making friends or don't have any at all, be kind and be yourself, those who don't like you won't stay in your life forever. 💟
Thank you for reading today, I hope you guys had a good day and tomorrow is Thanksgiving!
yo girl emilia
*all photos included are not mine*
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