Weird People/Accounts I Follow on Instagram

Hey it is yo girl emilia and this blog post idea randomly came into my head the other day and I thought it would be fun to write about some of the questionable Instagram accounts I follow and why. So before we begin, some of these aren't "weird" per se, but the reasoning for WHY I follow them is weird, in my opinion.

 Members of various Royal Families around the world:

@amelwindsor @olympiagreece @achi_of_greece

Okay, let's talk about the British Royal Family first. Of course, you have Meghan&Harry, Kate&William, and all of those *official* accounts. Truth is, those are not "personal" accounts of the high ranked royals, and they probably don't have any, ya know? So I watched this weird video on Youtube of modern-day, young members of the British Royal family and other royal families and came across Amelia Windsor (isn't that so cool how she is like 39th in the line of succession and she still keeps the House Last Name and has the title "Lady"). Her grandmother is the Queen's First cousin, and she is 25 years old. I follow her on Instagram because she actually is a model (but not like Kendall Jenner/Bella Hadid) and she posts really cool stuff when it comes to art, nature, interior design, and fashion. She's pretty chill. 

Now let's talk about the Greek Royal Family. *sigh* Okay, so there was a lot of inner turmoil in the country of Greece in the '70s that caused the monarchy to be abolished. The King, who is the grandfather of the people that I am going to mention in a moment, was exiled from the country for over 40 years and is was allowed to return to live in Greece in 2013. Greece now has a parliamentary democracy and the majority has no intention of starting up a constitutional monarchy. So this begs the questions, do the royals still have titles? Yes. I follow Princess Olympia and Prince Achileas Andreas on Instagram and they still seem to call themselves and their family that. I was actually looking into it and I still don't know if that when King Constantine II dies (the grandfather) does everyone's titles go away? Like let's say that Prince Achilleas gets married and has a family in the future, do his kids have titles??? And the thing is that with so many royal families, they married within one another. So Achilleas and Olympia's dad is the Crown Prince of Greece, a Prince in Denmark, AND has lineage to the Swedish Crown. (me trying to connect some sort of dots but not finding any???) 

All I am saying is, how can someone come to power as a King when the monarchy was abolished? If you have answers, I would love to know. (Like they still wear crowns and stuff???? I don't know man, I'm really confused) I also read the Crazy Rich Asians series last year and it is just interesting to follow rich socialites that travel the world and wear fancy things and when I see them post I just go "huh. So that's a thing." But Olympia actually went to an art school one of my friends goes to NYC which is pretty cool.  

Again, I don't really know why I follow these people. Maybe it is just interesting to see what a modern-day "Princess" or Royal is like because we kinda hold this idea of a Princess to be in the medieval ages, and the only "Princesses" we see with the British Royal Family either married into the family or are 5 (What's up Princess Charlotte). 

Accounts dedicated to hating Fish/Bugs in Animal Crossing:
#1, sorry for the profanity in the username. 
#2, these accounts are so funny, but they die pretty quick. 

Just like a million other people in the world, I have been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons this year and I love it. But one thing that I do not love when I go fishing is the huge amounts of Sea Bass and Black Bass that I catch. It is that frustration when you are trying to catch a rare fish that has a large shadow, yet it turns out to be another stupid Black Bass or Sea Bass. That is why when I randomly got the recommendation to follow @f***theblackbass on Instagram, I immediately died laughing. It's this random account run by a guy who just posts pictures of people holding up their Black Bass in animal crossing and there is some absurd caption attached to it. It's all for good laughs, nothing too serious, and he even posts funny memes about it. Alas, how much content can you squeeze out of a fictional fish? It lasted a couple of weeks and the guy eventually stopped posting. Every post I saw in my feed made me belly laugh though. 

Strange Book Accounts:
@hotguysreadingnyc @sparknotes_ 

Without any explanation, both are strange. The first one being a stalker-like account made by someone who was just capturing hot dudes on the New York City Subway reading ~smart~ books. The other one is an account for a website that so many tired, high school students use to just read a summary over the chapters of their mandatory book readings. My friend was actually the one that recommended the @hotguysreadingnyc to me! We were facetiming one night and she told me about it and I was like OH! I have to see what this is about. All of the posts were sent in by a variety of people of the gems they saw on the subway. Unfortunately, the account is not as active anymore, but it still holds some funny memories for me. Now, SparkNote's social media handles are the best thing ever. You think Wendy's roasting everyone on Twitter is amazing? It is, but that is beside the point. I love following SparkNotes on Instagram and Twitter because the memes they post about literature are hilarious. They are with the times (because it's probably some millennials in NYC running it) and I love the ones where they mix in the Office with Romeo and Juliet and other English literature I read during my Sophomore year of high school. *chef kiss* god bless you SparkNotes. 

Well, that's it! Those are some weird accounts/people I follow on Instagram and my weird thoughts behind them. Thank you for reading this fun blog post, I hope you enjoyed it and let me know what are some weird people you follow on Instagram! Instagram: @yogirlemilia

yo girl emilia


  1. All of the royal family stuff is SO interesting!! Of course, as the naive American I am, monarchy is utterly confusing to me, but still super fascinating! I’ll have to go follow those people! Love this post Emilia💓


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