How to celebrate Halloween on a weekday

Unlike Thanksgiving, Halloween always falls on the spooky day of October 31st. It's not on a Thursday every year, where you can have a 4 day weekend or even the whole week off. As a child, when Halloween would fall on a Friday or a weekend, EVERYONE WAS HYPED. No homework on the most exciting night of the school year. As we grew up, homework increased and some of us even grew out of trick or treating. I am too tall to pass as a 12-year-old, so I miss trick or treating. I wrote this blog post for my fellow teenagers that love the season but miss the exciting night that we all looked forward to as kids.

Get your homework done quick

Halloween is on a Thursday this year so if you want a stress-free Halloween, make sure you finish it quickly and don't procrastinate. Maybe get it done during a study hall in the day, or quickly zoom through it at home. If you have a test the next day, that sucks, I'm sorry. Best of luck!

Take a walk in your neighborhood to see decorations

Each family is different with how they celebrating Halloween, some aren't big fans of it, while others may go up and beyond. As a break in the afternoon, grab your coat and walk around your neighborhood to see the decorations people have put up in their yards. I know in my neighborhood, there is one yard where it is filled with fake tombstones that have Halloween puns on them. 

Watch a Halloween movie/Halloween themed TV show episodes

I am not a fan of horror movies, but I LOVE Halloween themed episodes. When it turns to night time, I always like to watch the Halloween SNL (Saturday Night Live) episode, where they always make fun of how horror movies play out, weird black and white movies, and just funny comedy sketches that are in the Halloween spirit. Lots of sitcoms, like Friends, also have Halloween themed episodes that you can watch without watching the previous episode.

Treat yourself to some candy

If you have younger siblings or if you are the person handing out candy, treat yourself to some chocolate! You had a long October, you deserve it. Here are some of my personal favorites to Halloween candy and a link to a hilarious candy trading video:
- Kats (yum)
-Sweet Tarts (my favorite candy in general)
Honorable Mentions:
-Blow Pops are pretty good
-Bubble Gum and anyone who hands out regular gum
What should burn in a dumpster fire:
- Tootsie Rolls (RIP teeth)

Candy trading video: click here

Cozy up and enjoy fall

It is finally cooling off in some places, I am surprised that it is 40 degrees in Houston already. So there is nothing better than turning on the fireplace, making yourself a cup of tea, and getting cozy under a blanket. I am currently trying to make my reading goal of 2019, so I am cozied up on my couch reading my book. If you are trick or treating with your family or friends, make sure you cozy up and watch out for cars!

Look up/send halloween memes to your friends

I hate to say it, but I love Halloween specifically for the memes. The huge wave of memes with skeletons on Reddit skyrockets on October 1st, and I look forward to it every year. Halloween puns? Vangtastic. I love sending them to my friends and making jokes about spooky scary skeletons. Last time I checked, Thanksgiving doesn't have hilarious songs, and Easter doesn't have memes about the Easter bunny. 

Alright guys and ghouls, thank you for reading this quick blog post. I hope you all have a spooktastic Halloween with your family and friends. Treat yourself so some candy, and stay cozy!

sending boos and spooks to you all, 
yo girl emilia


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