Many people don't know what a bullet journal is. I already made a blog post explaining it, you can read it here:
What Is A Bullet Journal?
To sum it up if you are new here, a bullet journal is a journal that YOU make, design, and use. Some people use it more as a personalized planner, some use it as an art journal, and some people use it as an actual writing journal. I actually incorporate all 3! Either way, I am here today to show you what it looks like in MY bullet journal, and some of my favorite spreads I've made. Enjoy!
I love how all of the colors blended in this post, also the photos I found were on Pinterest and I think they fit really well in this post! |
GREEN! Oh how pretty 😍 |
This was the spread I made during Spring Break and I really love the lettering and the little bottles I doodled. |
This was my January review that I really like the colors and art I did with it. :P |
I was sooo happy how this turned out. I love the blue and yellow mixed in with a space theme. One of my top favorites! |
YELLOW!!! This is another one of my top spreads and I just love how everything just combined nicely together, the doodles, the lettering, and the yellow photos I printed out make it look soooooo dang good. |
This was the purple-blue spread that I did for the very first week of the year and it is just so calming and pretty :) |
I really like this one because of the different borders of crystals, flowers, waves, and space stuff. Also, this was when the Astros won the World Series! |
I loooove the art in this. I found a cartoon and copied it (The Keep it Simple Doodle) and I was really proud how it turned out. I also love the lettering and ombre I did with the word SEPTEMBER |
This is a very recent one that I made for last week and I loved the combination of purple and green in this spread. |
Thank you for reading this blog post! I hope this puts you with some motivation to start a bullet journal and some inspiration if you already have one! I hope you guys enjoyed this because I love decorating my bullet journal. Anyways, love you guys and have a glorious life!
yo girl emilia
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Instagram: @yogirlemilia
Youtube Channel: Emilia Mrugala
Username: @emilialikesbooks
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